Here Are Five Things Every Person with Dentures Needs to Know

People with dentures know that the key to continuing good oral health is to keep the
gums clean and well maintained. Gingivitis is still a real concern for those who wear
dentures because bacteria and plaque can still build up under and around the gum line,
even in the absence of natural teeth. Luckily, modern dentures provide a positive
experience for the majority of wearers because they allow you to smile, talk, and eat
with fewer issues. Working with your dentist in Houston to keep your dentures
maintained properly, will extend your dental device’s life and provide a more pleasant

1. Allow Time for Transition

When you first switch to dentures, full functionality is not immediately available. Most
patients experience a transition period that involves healing from any procedures that
were needed to clean out the remaining teeth and gums to prepare for denture use.

  • During the transition period, patients experience several steps to prepare for full-time,
    permanent denture use.
  • Allow a proper healing time after procedures, so the gums are strong enough to handle
  • Understand that the reduction in sensitivity to the feeling of dentures may be a slow
  • Maintain a diet of soft, non-sticky foods until chewing with dentures becomes easier.

2. Give Your Gums a Break

Although you may be tempted to keep your dentures in at all times, it is essential to give
your gums a break periodically. Allowing your gums to rest reduces irritation that can
develop into other problems over time. For most people, sleeping without dentures
gives the gums enough recovery time unless irritation has already developed.

3. Pamper Your Gums

While giving your gums a break from your dentures, make sure you provide them with a
bit of extra care. A salt rinse can help flush out any particles or plaque that is
developing. Gentle brushing with a soft toothbrush stimulates the tissues and improves
blood circulation in the gums. Be sure to include the roof of your mouth and tongue
when brushing to keep those areas fresh and free of debris.

4. Perform Regular Denture Care

The most important part of denture care is cleaning. Like natural teeth, bacteria and
debris build up on the dentures’ surface and need to be removed frequently. Drinking
water throughout the day helps, but the dentures need to be removed for a thorough
cleaning. There are specific cleaning solutions for dentures that remove bacteria and
particles during an overnight soak.  Inspect the dentures for cracks or loose parts
frequently and contact your dentist immediately if there are any issues.

5. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

An integral part of maintaining good oral hygiene, whether or not you have natural teeth,
is keeping regularly scheduled visits to your dentist. The dentist examines your gums for
signs of disease or irritation and provides solutions. During the visit, your dentist will
also examine your dentures to make sure everything is in good working order, and any
of your concerns are addressed. Patients who complain about irritation or pain often
have a problem with the fit of the dentures. Your dentist examines the way the dentures
fit in your mouth and can help correct any observed fit issues.

Schedule a Denture Appointment

If you need dentures or have any questions about your current ones, visiting one of our
Ingenious Dentistry dentists can help you stay on track. For patients who no longer
have natural teeth, dental appointments are still just as important for maintaining the
health of your gums and other tissues in the mouth. Dentists also help people with
dentures learn proper denture care to extend the life of the appliance. Houston, TX
residents, should contact Ingenious Dentistry to schedule an appointment or ask any
questions about dentures. Contact Ingenious Dentistry at (713) 795-5905 today!



Photo Credit: fizkes/