Approximately five million people in the United States get their wisdom teeth removed for different reasons. Wisdom teeth are the final four teeth to appear in your mouth and usually appear between 17 and 25 years old. The wisdom teeth experience is different for everyone considering some people do not have them at all, others have no problem with their wisdom teeth while others have them, but they have grown in a way that requires extraction to fix the problem.

Many adults do not often know what to expect when their dentist recommends removing their wisdom teeth. In Houston, Texas, Ingenious Dentistry provides the best dental care and is open for all dental needs, including wisdom teeth removal. This article shares some insights about wisdom teeth removal, what to expect during the removal, and where to get the best dental care services in Houston.

How Do You Know If You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

People often opt to have their wisdom teeth removed for various reasons. Some of the main reasons to have your wisdom teeth removed include the following:

  • When they come out at the wrong angle, making them press against other teeth
  • When you are not able to reach them with your toothbrush or dental floss due to cavities or gum diseases
  • When the mouth is not big enough, thus leaving no room for an extra set of molars
  • Wisdom teeth grow far back in your mouth and might not appear normally. You might consider removing them when they cause pain because of being impacted or trapped in the jawbone and gum.

Wisdom teeth might cause damage to other teeth or cause other gum issues when they grow abnormally. You know it is time to remove your wisdom teeth when you see the following symptoms:

  • Having difficulties when chewing or swallowing food
  • Not being able to clean them properly
  • Swelling or having redness around the wisdom teeth
  • Experiencing an aching sensation around your jawbone

Please consult with a dentist at Ingenious Dentistry when experiencing the above symptoms for them to determine whether your wisdom teeth are causing the pain. If the wisdom teeth cause it, then we recommend an extraction.

What to Expect During Wisdom Teeth Removal

The removal of wisdom teeth is a common procedure that takes less than a week to recover, depending on your specific case. Here is what to expect during wisdom teeth removal:

The Day of Your Surgery

This outpatient surgery takes about 45 minutes to an hour and a half. The length of the surgery depends on the number of teeth extracted and whether they are impacted. During the removal of the wisdom teeth the dentist will perform the procedure with local anesthesia to prevent pain. After the surgery, having blood in your mouth, swelling, and feeling pain is completely normal. Your dentist might prescribe some medication to minimize discomfort and put gauze at the site of the former wisdom tooth to prevent bleeding.

Long-Term Recovery

Wisdom teeth removal recovery takes three to four days for most people, while it takes a whole week if your teeth were impacted or had an awkward angle. In addition, the wound left after a wisdom tooth removal takes months to heal completely. You need to pay close attention to any symptoms of trouble, such as fever, numbness, trouble swallowing or breathing, and swelling that worsens over time.


Aftercare after wisdom teeth removal is important to promote healing and prevent infections. Your dentist provides clear instructions on cleaning and protecting your mouth after surgery. These instructions include:

  • Rinse your mouth with salt water to clean the wound, and avoid spitting the water. Instead, tip your mouth and let the water fall out.
  • Swab the wound gently with gauze to absorb excess blood.
  • Avoid activities such as spitting, drinking from straws, and smoking, as they might dislodge your stitches or blood clot, which protects and heals the wound.
  • Eat soft foods such as smoothies, mashed potatoes, and pudding to avoid straining when chewing, which might disrupt the stitches.

Pain Management

Pain is always common after waking up from wisdom teeth removal surgery and is mainly managed through taking pain medication or using an ice pack on your face. Your dentist might also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections since your mouth might be vulnerable to germs.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Houston

Wisdom teeth removal can be frightening among some patients, but with the right dentist from Ingenious Dentistry, you feel safe knowing you are in the best hands in Houston. We have over 30 years of experience and provide excellent dental care and services. Contact us to schedule a consultation appointment for your wisdom teeth removal.

Image Credit to r.classen