Updated: January 22, 2024

Roof of mouth hurts

Sometimes the roof of your mouth can start hurting for no apparent reason. This pain makes eating hot, spicy, or hard foods problematic. When your mouth hurts you may have difficulty eating, talking, or laughing.

Fortunately, as with many oral problems, your dentist in Houston, TX, can help treat the pain. In this post, Ingenious Dentistry explains why the roof of your mouth hurts and how to prevent the pain or soreness.

What Can Cause Soreness in the Roof of the Mouth?

Why does the roof of my mouth hurt? In most cases, the floor of the mouth hurts because of an injury. These injuries may be burns from hot food or bruises from vigorous tooth brushing or chewing hard foods.

Other reasons why the roof of your mouth hurts could be:

  • Canker sores. Canker sores are small mouth ulcers that affect the soft tissues of the mouth. The painful sores mainly affect the tongue, lips, cheeks, or palate. As the sores become infected, they can hurt when you eat, drink, or talk.
  • Allergies. Allergies trigger inflammation in the roof of your mouth, which may cause pain. The mouth pain related to allergies occurs when you get exposed to allergens like pollen, dust, and food.
  • Oral thrush. Excessive Candida albicans infestation causes creamy patches on the roof of your mouth. With oral thrush, hot foods, and drinks will likely irritate the oral mucosa and cause pain.
  • Oral cancer. Oral cavity cancer can cause an ulcer on the palate. This soreness often hurts when you chew hard foods like crunchy chips. Moreover, the sore may be painful when you eat or drink hot and spicy foods.
  • Oral warts. Warts can be another reason why the roof of your mouth is hurting. They show up as painful cauliflower-like growths that can hurt when you eat. Oral warts are from the HP virus and it is wise to get them checked out by your dentist.
  • Throat infection. Some viral throat infections, such as influenza, can also cause pain in the mouth. This condition inflames the sinuses, causing increased pressure and pain in the roof of the mouth.

How to Prevent Pain and Soreness

There are many remedies to use when the roof of your mouth hurts. For instance, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers to manage pain. Moreover, you can relieve the pain with oral analgesic gels, mouthwashes containing antimicrobials, or salt water rinses.

The remedies mentioned above will help relieve the pain but do not address the root cause. Therefore, do not keep using them to manage your mouth pain. Instead, see your Houston dentist for further treatment.

When to Contact Your Dentist for Pain in the Roof of Mouth

You should see a dentist if your palate keeps hurting and there are no signs of improvement. Likewise, you’d want to seek dental attention if other symptoms, such as redness, swelling, lesions, or growths, accompany the pain.

Your dentist in Houston will diagnose you to identify any health conditions causing you a sore roof. After diagnosis, the dentists will prescribe the proper medications to treat the underlying condition.

In addition, your dentist will refer you to the right doctor for further medical treatment. Immediate dental treatment will help relieve pain, improve oral health and minimize complications.

Say Goodbye to Roof of Mouth Pain – Contact Ingenious Dentistry Today!

Pain in the roof of your mouth can sometimes go away on its own. However, in other instances, oral pain can result from severe conditions like cancer. Therefore, it matters to see your dentist anytime you have mouth pain.

Ingenious Dentistry is your trusted dental provider in Houston, TX. Our dentists have the highest expertise in treating all oral problems. Call our dentist at 713-234-6696 to schedule a consultation.


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