Fluoride, sometimes known as nature’s cavity fighter, is one of the primary elements in various dental products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, water, and children’s medicine drops and tablets. Mineral fluoride is found in water and food in natural amounts. This mineral is used to make dental items and has many other uses. For example, fluoride hardens and strengthens your enamel when it is introduced to water.

For instance, it is well recognized to increase bone density and guard teeth against decay and cavities. However, many misconceptions exist about fluoride, particularly in water and dental products. This article distinguishes between myths and truths about fluoride.

Myth: Fluoride is Dangerous for Children

When used as intended, fluoride does not pose a threat to children. Fluoridated water not only strengthens teeth during development but also prevents tooth decay and loss in the future. Fluoridated public water is safe for children to consume, as are fluoride-containing dental treatments and toothpaste.

Myth: People Who Drink Fluoridated Water Will Develop Fluorosis

Studies demonstrate that high fluoride levels can cause dental and skeletal fluorosis. This dental disease is modest and only affects youngsters with baby teeth. Fluorosis of the skeleton may cause joint discomfort, stiffness, and ligament calcification.

However, these amounts are higher than those found in fluoridated water. In this regard, a toddler or adult must consume dozens of liters of water to attain harmful fluoride levels.

Myth: It is Extremely Expensive for Communities to Fluoridate Water

Adding fluoride to water is one of the least expensive methods for preventing tooth decay, which is why many nations have government initiatives to ensure adequate fluoride levels in drinking water. However, in the United States, consuming fluoridated water is significantly cheaper than curing tooth decay.

Myth: Drinking Fluoridated Water Will Cause Cancer

The fluoride myth that it causes cancer is one of the most common. However, this is only a myth. Even though several scientific investigations have been undertaken around the world, no links have been established between water fluoridation and cancer.

There are also real-world comparisons of places with and without water fluoridation that demonstrate no change in cancer rates. For instance, Queensland, Australia, did not fluoridate its water until 2008, while the rest of the country had for years. However, there was no difference in their cancer rates.

The American Academy of Family Physicians and the Institute of Medicine agree that fluoride is safe, as more evidence shows that this is not an issue.


Myth: Fluoridated Water Does Not Have an Impact on Tooth Decay

Numerous U.S. and international research have conclusively demonstrated fluoride’s preventive and strengthening effects on teeth. The most effective agent for preventing tooth decay is fluoride. Fluoride prevents tooth decay by making teeth resistant to acid attacks from microorganisms.

Myth: Europe Does Not Allow Fluoridated Water, Which Means The U.S. Shouldn’t, Either

Some urban legends even claim that it is prohibited throughout Europe, while the opposite is true. Fluoride is utilized in Australia, Europe, Latin America, and other regions. This myth is due to erroneous information, and these European nations use salt fluoridation instead of the U.S. technique.

Myth: Fluoride Is a Medication that is Forced on Communities

The fluoride added to drinking water is not a medication. A court in the United States once declared that the form of fluoride used in drinking water is a nutrient and not a drug.

Myth: The Risk of Autism is increased by Fluoride Use

Numerous studies and research have been observed over decades on this topic. None have demonstrated that adding fluoride raises the risk of cancer, autism, or other major health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or renal difficulties. The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians affirm its safety.

Myth: Fluoridated Water is Not Necessary Because Of the Fluoride in Toothpaste

Fluoride treatments administered in dental offices can enhance the efficacy of professional cleanings, brushing and flossing at home, and fluoride exposure from toothpaste and drinking water.

Myth: Fluoride is Unnatural

Fluoride is neither a manufactured chemical nor a laboratory-created drug. Instead, it is a naturally occurring substance or mineral known to protect teeth by lowering the chance of getting cavities.

All groundwater contains fluoride in varying concentrations. Additionally, it is found in rocks, minerals, and some foods.

Effective Fluoride Treatments in Houston

Fluoride treatments can give an additional layer of protection against tooth decay and cavities by delivering a higher concentration of fluoride than in water.

At Ingenious Dentistry, we provide excellent fluoride treatments to Houston, Texas, patients. Contact us for inquiries.

Image Credit to Brasil Creativo / Piyaset